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Tigers Tie to Take Playoff Place

Tigers Confirm Playoff Berth with Capitals Draw

The Dundee Tigers booked their place in the Playoff quarterfinals as they drew 2-2 with the Edinburgh Capitals on Saturday night.

As the Capitals Elite League side enjoyed a free night, a numbers of pro-team regulars enjoyed a run out for the visitors as Tigers took to the ice without influential defencemen Eck Purves and Scott Geddes. The obvious mismatch was not apparent in the early exchanges though as Tigers dominated the opening shifts. The hosts assaulted the Capitals net in the first session and it took until the 7th minute for the Capitals to register their first shot on Robbie Balfour in the home net. That momentum changed though as Tigers Dan Topping was assessed a game penalty for a check from behind as he shoved one of the Capitals players, on the turn, behind the visitors net with just 8 minutes played. With the Caps on a 5 minute powerplay it would have been easy for the hosts to capitulate, but Scott Marr was not to be deterred as he broke free to open the scoring with a beautiful shot past Graham Rodger’s blocker. The Capitals looked slick on the remainder of their powerplay but couldn’t deal the killer blow and the Tigers headed in to the dressing room at the interval with a deserved lead.

The Capitals seemed to have woken up to the game in the second session and, combined with some Tigers penalty woes, they took the advantage. Ian Blake was the man to grab the equalizing goal as he took advantage of a defensive zone turnover to fire home and tie the game after 26 minutes on the PP. Both teams had opportunities to go ahead as the period continued, with Tigers having the majority of the chances in the latter stages, but the teams finished the period in deadlock.

With the Capitals still holding on to a slim hope of SNL glory and the Tigers looking to confirm their place in the post season Playoffs the final stanza had a hint of desperation about it. The Tigers had and early powerplay opportunity thwarted before killing off a session with the man dis-advantage themselves as the minutes ticked away. Less than 4 minutes of the game remained when Andy Henderson latched on to a guided clearance by John Robertson before out-muscling the Capitals defence and sniping home the go-ahead goal and send he home fans in to a tizzy. Late penalty calls on Capitals’ Michael Ireland and Tigers’ Graeme Carstairs created some space in the closing minutes and the visitors gamble with pulling the goalie paid off as Sean Beattie wristed home Caps equaliser through traffic with just 38 seconds remaining. Both teams had chances to snatch the victory in the final moments but the spoils were shared as the buzzer sounded, which confirmed the Tigers place in the playoffs and ensured the SNL title will be fought out between the Kirkcaldy Kestrels and Tigers next opponents Paisley Pirates.

Final Score: Tigers 2 – Capitals 2

Tigers MoM: Robbie Balfour

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