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Dundee Tigers 0 - Kirkcaldy Kestrels 9

Dundee Tigers 0 – Kirkcaldy Kestrels 9

The Dundee Tigers suffered a heavy defeat at the hands of title chasing Kirkcaldy Kestrels on Saturday night. Despite the significant goal differential at the final buzzer this game was closer than the score suggests.

The short benched but determined Tigers side made a bright start to the game but it was the Kestrels who got off the mark early as Iain Quinn found the net in just the 3rd minute. Both teams created chances as the period progressed and the visitors doubled their lead as Aaron Simpson took advantage of a powerplay situation to fire home with 11 minutes gone. Tigers continued to press but couldn’t find a way past Renny Marr before the end of the session. As the hooter went an incident occurred that led to Tigers Dan Topping and Kestrels Tyler Plews ejected from the game leaving the hosts doubly aggrieved.

The high tempo continued in the 2nd period and with 8 minutes gone the Fifers notched another powerplay marker as Matthew Farmer shot through traffic to find the net. The hosts had a powerplay opportunity of their own shortly after but Marr thwarted a number of fine scoring opportunities before the teams returned to even strength. It was clear that it was not to be the Tigers night as a shot from Liam Cassidy took a deflection off a Tigers defenseman and looped over Matty Michie in the home net for Kestrels 4th in the 35th minute before Conor Duncan scored on the breakaway less than a minute later to make it 5-0 and complete the period scoring.

With is all to do in the 3rd the Tigers started taking chances defensively. While this created scoring opportunities at one end so it left the hosts exposed at the other. With just 3 minutes gone Sean Cochrane found space to snipe Kestrels 6th. Either side of the half way point of the period Cassidy and Robertson added powerplay markers to make it 8-0 and Robbie Summers bundled home the visitors 9th with just over a minute remaining. The Kestrels continue to fly high at the top of the SNL table while the Tigers retreat with their tails between their legs with just next week’s away tie in Kilmarnock remaining in their league campaign.

Final Score: Tigers 0 – Kestrels 9

SOG: On Tigers 49 – On Kestrels 46

PIM: Tigers 87 – Kestrels 61

Richard Irvin Energy Solutions Man of the Match: Scott Marr

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