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Dundee Comets 4 - Dundee Tigers 1

The Dundee Tigers came into tonights game with a run of 3 wins under their belts. Morale was high and the Tigers players were all well up for an away game with the team we share the ice rink with. With injuries aplenty the Tigers depleted team stepped up to try and keep hold of the Tele Taxi Trophy they had won last season. Straight from the first drop of the puck, the Tigers showed their fans that they were here to attack! Testing the Comets young goalie from the off, Tigers were out shooting the Comets so we were hoping that some of these shots would turn into goals!Typical for a derby it was end to end stuff, plenty niggling hits testing the match officials. Once the first period calmed down it was looking like this was going to be a close game,however with 5:10 to go a shot from BAXTER was misjudged from Michie. The puck missed the goalies mitt and the Comets had taken the lead. Within a minute the lead was doubled, Comets GOLD managed to squeeze the puck through Michie and with 4:13 to go the score was now 2-0 to the home team. Now with 2 goals against them the Tigers continued to pressurise the young Comets goalie. As the clocked ticked down and seconds to go, an unfortunate slip up by Purves infront of his keeper lost the puck and NICOLSON pounced to score the Comets 3rd goal of the evening with only 36 seconds left in the first period. The end of the first period came round with the Comets leading the Tigers 3-0. Not the best of starts but still not out of reach with 2 periods still to play. The start of the second period and yet again the Tigers kept their heads high and tried to make the comeback their fans were shouting for.At 14:20, Tigers forward Heeles took what looked like and illegal hit from behind and crumpled to the floor. With a help from team mates he was helped back to the bench to try and recover. Hoping this wasn't going to be another injured player to add to the Tigers roster. Unfortunately Heeles played no further part in the game. The Comets net was looking like a well defended castle as shot after shot was being saved.However, things were on the up, with 7:56 on the clock Tigers FOX took a chance well and scored to close down on the Comets lead. Comets 3 Tigers 1. With the end of period approaching fast the Tigers went on the power play with 32 seconds to go. But the seconds counted down and the end of the second period was over. The Tigers had cut the scoreline down to a 2 goal game so still all to play for in the 3rd period. The ref drops the puck for the start of the 3rd and final period, the Tigers still on power play for 1 minute and 28 seconds. However after several chances the Tigers couldn't add to their one goal. Then with 13:29 the Comets had the puck in the Tigers goal for a 4th time. Unfortunate for the Comets player as he scored an illegal goal by means of high stick. SO after talking to his 2 linesmen the match referee disallowed the goal, much to the delights of the Tigers fans. The Comets goal was being well protected and even Guilcher with his silky moves could only rattle the pipe. With the clock against us and with 8:26 to go the Comets killed the game with a 4th goal by #21 GORDON. The Tigers players didn't lose faith and still carried on trying their best to get another goal. Luck was against us and with TOSH hitting the metal goal frame it was inevitable that the Tigers were going to lose this match. The game ended Dundee Comets 4 Dundee Tigers 1. The Tigers had tried but just weren't able to break down the Comets goalie. The happy Comets players accepted the Tele Taxi Trophy and their name will now be added as the second team to lift this trophy. MOM for Tigers was MATTY MICHIE. MOM for Comets was GOLD The Dundee Tigers now have a week off, so training will be crucial over the next 2 weeks as they take on the Paisley Pirates at home on February 14th. That's right, all you hopeless romantics can bring your special loved one to a romantic night at the Dundee Ice Rink to cheer on your own Dundee Tigers!

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